Frequency down magnitude up!

That is my flying philosophy for 2011. I have some solid though always evolving flying skills. I am finally to the point where a month without flying isn’t a big set back requiring a few refresher flights to get the feeling back.

In every case the more you fly, the better your game. A simple formula that you can’t cheat. I am wary of analogies involving things with wheels but how much of a refresher do you need when hopping on a bicycle after taking a few months off?

My goal for 2011 is to get some miles in the log book. I believe that this can be done without running out the door every chance there is semi-marginal soaring weather. In 2010, I lost a lot of time stepping up my wing to a topless, but more importantly, I blew my powder before the season ever turned on. By the end of May, flying was winding down for me. By this point countless days had been spent at Pack and countless hours had been had in the sky. Downside, a lot of my fun tickets were used up. Upside, I wouldn’t have been ready to step up to a topless without the hours of practicing 1000-2000ft thermal climbs in 15-25mph winds all Spring.

In 2011 I feel poised to be patient and fly further by flying smarter rather than just playing the numbers game where higher frequency equals more chances. Bullshit – flying more on the right days increases chances of getting more miles. Quality over quantity and relying more on forecasting than simply heading to the hill or airfield and trying to will the weather.

Between Luling, Hearne, our winch, and Pack……. opportunities abound in 2011.

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